Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Response to Multicultural Article

After reading the article, I found myself a bit surprised at how a single children's literature book can address so many topics that reference culture and social life. The analysis of the book states that not only place and an environment was addressed, but also the topics of family life, social culture, society, power, democracy, revolution, imagination, community, music, storytelling, and legends. Land, liberty, and destiny are also mentioned and held in high regard and importance. I feel that children can learn so much from this at a young age, especially from what sounds to be a very visual and stimulating book. The topic of place too is quite interesting to me because this book apparently references a variety of places including the safety of the home, the town in which they live in, the house of the ghost, the alluring cantina, and the community as a whole. Introducing children to all of these ideas and ideals through literature I feel is a great way to start teaching them about the world around them, especially through a stimulating, intriguing, colorful story especially with the use of visuals because children are extremely visual learners. There are still pictures and images I remember from picture books growing up that I since first seeing have never forgotten.

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